Why Generative AI is marking the true end of the hunter-gatherers eraThe jobs of anyone working in content will be affected by generative AI.Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Web3 and Web 3.0 are NOT the same thing. Here’s why.I’ve been doing a lot of research about the Web3 phenomenon (check this long read, you won’t regret it) for the past weeks and one thing I…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Why sustainability needs an ecosystems approachLately, there has been a lot of talk about companies needing to integrate an ESG (Environmental, social, and corporate governance) approach…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Web3 for Dummies. Everything you wanted to know about Web3By Laurence Van Elegem who is equally confused as you about Web3 because she only studied Germanic languages for crying out loud and not…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
3 unobvious ways that Web3 could completely change ownershipBefore I get into the ‘why’, though: some perspective. I also remember that, almost 10 years ago, there was a lot of talk about the sharing…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
The 2 opposite tech forces behind the world’s biggest problems — and why we shouldn’t try to solve…Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about two massive opposite forces in technology which are the root cause of a great many interconnected…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Published inThe QuestionsWill Web3 cultivate individualism?Interoperability might be one of the most boring sounding words I know. It used to make me think of dumb, unconnected systems that are…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Published inThe QuestionsIs our obsession with agility dangerous?It’s funny how so many of us believe that human structures are somehow special. As if the rest of nature is more knowable, more predictable…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Published inThe QuestionsIs it time to let go of our obsession with the truth?“The God of the Gaps” might be one of the most poetic concepts in the history of science. Since I heard it from (I think) writer Neil…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Published inThe QuestionsIs technology making us predictable instead of actually predicting?I’ve always been fascinated by the contradiction between our view that technology can help us forecast the future and our belief that we…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023